Here are few sites to look for a job on the net:
This site provides a lot of useful information that you can use to search for a job. This site allows you to search for a job, look at what's your value in the market, help you build your own resume, and many more.
This is the San Fransisco Bay Area. This site is oriented toward type of jobs.

Career Journal
This sites provides useful tools and hints on how to search for a job, build your resume and what to put in it, search for a new job, and more.

Job Finder
This is another site where you can search for a job. This site is organized and jobs are classified by sections. This site covers a lot of specialities.
This site is another online job finde, but it Hi Tech oriented. It has a build in Job tools that help you in building your own resume.

Head Hunter
Head Hunter is another online job search. In here you can search for a job by section or you can search for all posted jobs. This is the only site, where they have section devoted for colleges.

Netscape Career Center
This a classical Netscape search engine. It allows you to search by category or location search. This allows you to search using keywords as well.

Yahoo Careers Center
This another classical Yahoo search center. In here you can look for a job, post your resume, search for salaries and companies and more.

Layco Job Search
This site porvides by Lycos is a classical search engine that allows you to search for jobs. This site also provides salary comparison, city comparison, companies online, and other useful links as well.

Excite Career
This site provided by Excite is another site where you can build your resume, look for a joub by area or around the country, allows keyword search, research and advice, and many more.

Altavista Careers
This site allows you to search for jobs by title or keyword, city, or state. This site also provides job search secrets, and job search tips.

welcome to
This site allows you to write your resume, search for job, have a section for students, for temporary jobs, and have other resources that are helpful for job hunting.

Career Site
This sites allows you to seek a job, look for an employer, and more.

Job Web
This sites is provided by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). This site allows you to search for a job. The NACE is a source of information for career services practitioners on college campuses who advise students and alumni in career development and the employment process and for human resources professionals who recruit and hire college graduates. NACE provides research and information through ongoing employer and college surveys, quarterly surveys of starting salary offers to new college graduates, a quarterly journal, and a biweekly newsletter.

Career Mosaid
This site allows you to search for a job, check on company profiles, build your resume, has links to online job fair, and many more.

Job Hunt
This site provides a lot of useful links allowing you to search for a job. This site provides an Online Job Listing:

  • Academic and Education
  • Science, Engineering, & Medicine
  • Classified Ads
  • Companies
  • Computers and Technology
  • Entry Level, Internships, and Seasonal Jobs
  • Finance, Accounting, and Banking
  • Recruiting Agencies
  • Job Fairs and many more.


    If you have any Suggestions/Comments please let me know, thanks.